I really get tired of going over the same old stuff over and over. It comes to a point that you have to trust those that are driving the company. I trust in the announcements and what Nigel has been saying. Have a read and watch the interviews. If you are still unsure wait a little until some OTs are announced, but then you will pay more to get in. Risk and Reward go hand in hand.
I believe the OTs are being worked on now. It is taking time but I have 'FAITH' that the BOD will meet their objective. Again I point out they have always pulled thru although taking longer than anticipated most of the time. Has this been detrimental? I don't think so because Covid has slowed everyone down.
By the way I am still hopeful of a OT before the AGM.
Now all you non holders and non believers can jump up and down all you like but at the end of the day the thoughts above are my own and you can't change them.
Don't forget there will be a lag from when OTs are signed and when the product is shipped. They need to construct the mine. Europe etc have started to ramp up and now Biden is in so I dare say USA will be accelerating the EV implementation.
DYOR and don't be so lazy. You are responsible for whatever decisions you make.
Threadbull you have the most sensible posts (sometimes) of FFX holders that frequently visit AVZ - thanks for that.
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