AVZ 0.00% 78.0¢ avz minerals limited

Running discussion on SP, page-35186

  1. 1,820 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 922
    Last years meeting had a spill event on the Remuneration resolution, representing first strike, so if it gets more than 25% against again today, then Resolution 13 comes into play

    "Resolution 1: Adoption of Remuneration ReportThe total number of proxy votes exercisable by proxies validly appointed was 262,025,097. The resolution was decided by a show of hands. A breakdown of the proxies is as follows:The resolution was carried as an ordinary resolution. As more than 25% of the votes were cast against this resolution, this constitutes a first strike for the purposes of the Corporations Act (Cth)."
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