The Great Reset, page-128

  1. 5,647 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5

    "Regardless of your views on Socialism and Marxism through past history. This Great Reset is a Marxist playbook."

    Well, no. Not at all, that is twisting reality to suit your Marxist spin. It is merely a response to the ongoing and increasing criticism of transnational capitalism. Where capital can roam the globe with little care for domestic populations where they do business. The West may not have cared so much when it was the third world feeling the brunt but it is increasingly all of us.

    We need capital to be more responsive to real world limitations like resources, climate change, pollution and inequality. Not purely profit maximisation as that is clearly leading to global problems as capital has gone global. We need a global template or else it won't work as national rules can be circumvented by moving offshore or buying politicians.

    As for land ownership, capitalism respects land ownership just as socialism does. But then, capitalism leads to shrinking land ownership as it evolves. Capitalism concentrates wealth and land ownership into fewer hands so most people lose land eventually anyway which we are seeing globally. Socialism has always tried to prevent that occurring.

    This Marxism talk is just bollocks. Communism has never actually occurred but is a chimera for utopian lefties or resides in the minds of rightwing ideologues as a scaremongering and scapegoating tool.
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