The Yawning Divide Between the UK and Oz Tories, page-2

  1. 10,415 Posts.

    No such thing as an Aussie Tory!

    Before over-dosing on the Kool Aid, let's see where the UK sources its energy. As at 2019: [excluding imports]
    So, gas, coal and "biomass" [ie burning other stuff] = 54% of total
    Nuclear = 17.3%
    Wind, solar = 24% of intermittent energy

    The facts matter more than the hyperbole.

    We could generate quite a bit of our energy using plentiful supplies of natural gas and also uranium - if only the troglodytes in the Greens and Labor left would get out of the way and stop opposing both on purely ideological grounds.
    Last edited by frasier: 20/11/20
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