work choices , page-58

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    "It's now a return to days long past for Australia - and I love the way they've called it "The Fair Work Bill" - it aint fair when you don't have any job."

    Has to be fairness in the system cerhob. Cant have a master/servant/slave relationship. In fact that's what democracy is all about. Its the equaliser where everyone's vote has equal standing. But some from the right of politics cant accept democracy if it means losing the right to rule or dominate workers.

    Politics is politics and all sides promote their own policies. Labor exposed work choices through its ads and some like yourself have chosen to see it as a scare campaign. The liberals promoted work choices and its ads pushed the "no jobs line" and some saw that as a liberal scare campaign. At the end of the day the public weighed the issues up and a majority decided labor and its policies were the preferred choice. Democracy at work.

    Opportunistically the libs have changed their tune from 'work choices was dead' to supporting it again and that's fair enough its what the libs believe strongly in and they should stick to their principles and push work choices as their preferred option. The fact that IMO this approach probably means labor will get a minimum of 3 to 4 terms in Government is not relevant as the right wing libs will be happy that the Opposition is still pushing their preferred workplace laws, notwithstanding how repressive they are.
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