PFT 0.00% 2.1¢ pure foods tasmania limited

PFT ... next steps, page-251

  1. 11,123 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 851
    Hey Flash
    From what I can recall, as my ST memory is pretty blo#dy good

    - Tasmanian Oyster Co. pictured in presentation (the current Oysters that are sold on the Pure Foods website portal), where Michael Cooper is a Director.
    - Oysters would be 'Snap Frozen' immediate on landing the Oysters from the hatchery, which would happen immediately, put to sleep, etc.

    - Stated this is World 1st 'New Technology' that No Company has ever used or adopted in the World currently
    - Can last up to 3 months under Frozen conditions
    - And specifically stated Quote: ''One cannot tell the difference between these and a fresh Oyster'', once thawed from being frozen to being eaten.

    ** I'm going to email Anita and ask if they are able to release the Zoom meeting Video as a ASX announcement, as I believe it is very appropriate, along with many other points in the meeting
    Last edited by Key Sole: 28/11/20
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