BRN 1.52% 32.5¢ brainchip holdings ltd

Ann: Completion of Akida Production Design, page-212

  1. 156 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 96
    I am confused about Akida's ability to detect Covid in a persons breath. From my understanding, using an "E-nose" input and a base set of control data, Akida was able to identify Covid with 94% accuracy. I would also 'IMAGINE' that the more tests Akida performed, the higher the accuracy would become. (just an assumption).

    What I am confused about is that why does it appear to be 'no big deal'. With the current would wide pandemic, wouldn't this ability be on the front page of every news paper and lead story on every news channel?? I understand there is significant process for any medical invasive vaccines etc but this is not a cure, but rather an identifying tool and as such, I would not have thought it would need to go through as many trials.

    I would have imagined that every school, every bus, every airport terminal, every place of worship would be screaming out for an instant breathalyzer device which could be used to detect the virus and prevent its spread

    I'm obviously missing something...

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