daytrade diaries - wednesday, page-10

  1. 8,937 Posts.
    Morning those with fast and slow internet connections! I can highly recommend TPG ADSL2+...

    As expected we had a green DOW, although I think the month ahead will be somewhat more conservative.

    I put in my tipping comp and feel comfortable with each - SSM (trend, value, support), INL (punt, price, potential (3 p's)) and GDN (strong month in March, trend, support, price, potetial).

    Judging by todays opening and in a day trade perspective only:

    GDN > Closed at 10 cents and that was the break it needed. Due to open at 11+ cents and I believe the wait is over. Buy small and long term hold.

    SSM > 37 open on very thin volume ahead is a long way from were we were just 3 trading sessions ago. Todays target has to be on or near 40 cents

    INL > The support at 1.5 upwards and thin sell volume would indicate a solid day ahead. Not sure I want to set a target other than to say no need to see sub 2 cents and you're in for a big day!

    ADY > I think we should have bought some post announcement (2.2) and held but the "Caution Will Robinson" alarm was going off at the time - just be careful but momentum could see this open at 2.7 and head up to 3.2-3.5. It wasn't a life changing announcement, so do't hit the buy button too quick!

    CNX > Nice form and worth a small holding and target in the low 60's within the week. Stop target is 44.5 (note not 45).

    Watchlist also includes: MEL, MAK, IOF, ALS, BJT... the list goes on, so might as well hit the 'Post Message' button and deal with it...


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