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I hope ISX and JK have included $ for the lasting damage ASX & JA have done even if they win the court cases

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    I hope ISX and JK haveincluded $ for the lasting damage ASX & JA have done even if they win thecourt cases

    I am trusting that ISXand JK have the ability to calculate a substantial $$ figure for the damagethat will remain well into the future for what has been done to ISX’s and JK’sreputation through ASX’s and JA’s accusations against them - even if ISX and JKwin the court cases. We should not assume that people will shift their opinion even if the courts rule in ISX’s favour.

    ASX’s release to themarket of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth query letters, the SOC,plus emails to and from ISX was truly outrageous and will create continuingdamage. Consider the following two examples of peoples’ ability to hold a prejudice long after claims and charges have been acquitted.

    Accusations againstthese individuals and the ensuing investigations were carried out, by respectedgovernment entities – like the ASX. And we ISX supporters, who only want to show what is possible to be true contrary to ASX’s accusations, are called the conspiracy theorists, whereas we are really unwilling to accuse and determine guilt until all the facts are known. We are willing to consider the possible (and often the probable) scenarios. Consider these examples:

    1. LindyChamberlin: Eventually acquitted by the courts and I know people who still believe she is guilty!

    2. HillaryClinton: People still tell me Hillary is crooked even when no evidence has ever been found by anyone (including Senate and independent Inquiries and where it was eventually announced to the public nothing untoward was found) for the following accusations:

    o WhitewaterAffair – nothing: ultimately, none of the many investigations into Whitewater— including, most famously, one by independent counsel Kenneth Starr— found that the Clintons did anything criminal. The conclusion was thatit's likelier they were victims of Jim McDougal's malfeasance than that theywere co-conspirators see (https://www.vox.com/2015/4/13/8397309/hillary-clinton-whitewater).

    o BenghaziAffair – nothing: see House (Republican) Benghazi Report finds no new evidenceof Wrongdoing see: (https://www.nytimes.com/206/06/29/us/politics/hillary-clinton-benghazi.html)

    o Emailserver: - nothing: This was common practice when Hillary became secretary of state, in fact Colin Powell had a personal server and used it in his time as secretary of state and helped Hillary set it up. See Hillary Clinton cleared by FBI (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-20/hillary-clinton-cleared-by-investigation-private-email-server/11620480)

    o Traffickingin children from a pizza place – absurd and nothing: see (https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a51268/what-is-pizzagate/)

    o TheClinton Foundation – nothing, and in fact the charity watchdog gives it thehighest possible rating (see: https://www.*.com/ap-charity-watchdog-gives-clinton-foundation-high-marks-2016-9?IR=T)

    In the current ABC series about Hillary, she explains the phenomenon as follows: “Here is what I want people to understand – even when something is disproved, people remember the allegation was made. For people who were only intermittently paying attention in the midst of their very busy lives, ‘Oh my God! Hillary had to go to congress about something she did wrong!’ And over year after year after year that kind of constant character assault takes a toll. Even for people who are supporters or are familiar with you, friends, they brush it off, but it still has a little space in the back of their head so if something else happens the space gets a little bigger and that has been the story of my public life.”

    This is relevant withregards to ISX and JK. It is much too easy for some to make space for a decision of “guilty” even when all that exists today are accusations, all of which have credible potential explanations. Even ASX will not say their SOR is fact, only ASX’s belief (and ISX’s fault if proven to be incorrect because ISX didn’t explain properly!).

    The down-rampers onthese threads are willing to accuse ISX and JK without undisputable proof over,and over, and over. It is folly if we believe these people will be converted and become supporter if ASX has been proven “guilty” and JK is proven to be “not guilty”.

    I will also look beyond accusations. I never believed Chamberlin was guilty, and I voted for Hillary in 2016. And for me, with the evidence that exists today, I do not believe that ISX or JK is guilty. But I am not naive enough to think this is just going to go away.

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