FFX 0.00% 20.0¢ firefinch limited

Who’s buying and selling, page-359

  1. 480 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 129
    I agree, a single company is the way to go imo, for now at least.

    No reason why an offtake deal or JV can’t be done in the current entity structure, then potentially having a spin off after the fact when we are certain there are 2 viable entities.

    Alistair has also raised in an interview (or maybe at a holder conference) that holders calling for this are simply not thinking through the extent of the f’ing around needed to do a spinoff, not to mention the compliance costs of dual entities as you mention.

    I think the take that the market can’t understand the value of the two assets at once is kinda BS. Akin to saying that Tesla holders can’t distinguish the value between their auto business versus their energy storage business as an example.

    Imo, value will return to this as milestones continue to be ticked off. Let’s not forget where we were sitting in June, the market is just waking up to the transformation as we speak.
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