the templars and the turin shroud, page-17

  1. 11,972 Posts.
    "Look. I have no doubt that a man by the name Jesus walked upon this planet 2,000 years ago. However he was NOT the son of god {whatever god is} and is NEVER made the blind see, or the cripple walk or raise the dead or feed the multitudes from one loaf of bread and one fish etc etc etc." Frankie,I agree with much of what you have posted with regard to so called miracles of today being fake.Little wonder that many scoff.However with regard to your above statement it is of interest to note that there is no record of anyone from Jesus day that disputed his ability to perform miracles because there were large crowds present as eye witnesses.Rather instead his enemies sought to attribute. his ability to Satan.Matthew 12:24) At hearing this, the Pharisees said: ¡°This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Be¡¤el¡äze¡¤bub, the ruler of the demons.

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