TRUMP JR under investigation :), page-128

  1. Osi
    16,414 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 201
    I appreciate your soft tone.

    My key fear is that nothing is learnt from the disaster that 4 years of Trump delivered to the world. I'm not sure that Biden himself is up to it but he does listen so we can but wait and see.

    The push and shove of Australian politics isn't as extreme as it is in the US but the lessons of the Trump disaster are none the less relevant.

    For any right, left , centre or completely new political approach to be sustainable it needs to be INCLUSIVE towards an entire population. That means opportunity must be facilitated for all. This priority doesn't mean handouts. It does mean reasonably level playing fields should be legislated to cover everyone.

    Trump applied an unguided shotgun approach to the reduction of regulation and it didn't work. Regulation is there for a purpose but regulations are often misconceived or involve overkill to the detriment of actual priorities. A more targeted, business improvement approach is required in both the US and Australia. It's about getting the balance right for things like the environment, business and market honesty and importantly for the US the law of torts (damages).

    I've described Trumpanomics as a cult of unlimited money printing to solve all the ills of the US. Trump created nothing more than a cargo cult to keep the votes of the misguided and the disingenuous. TO deal with the COVID fallout Biden will have to continue and indeed extend the money printing for a while BUT when the pandemic finishes so must the handouts. Where to from there? As I've suggested the US will need to (belatedly) follow the legal benchmarks of other mature democracies on the law of torts. Failure to do so will leave US industry too risk averse and too uncompetitive. Ridiculous liability benchmarks also hamstring the health care and pharmaceutical industries.

    CIVICS, CIVICS, CIVICS. Many elected representatives don't know the structure of government and the law is meant to work in Australia or the US and of course the electors know far less (if anything at all). They know nothing about neighbouring counties beyond some tourist offerings. Most politicians and electors know nothing at all about the geopolitics of countries like China, Russia or Iran for important friendlies like India. Pompeo could not even point out the Crimea on a map and Trump knows far less than Pompeo. Regardless of political colour we have the blind leading the blinds .......... which in turn makes us vulnerable to manipulation. Most people lack the basic knowledge to discern lies from truth.

    Back to the US election. As Trump's election security chief said it was the most secure election in US history. There was no systematic cheating but people did vote who usually do not vote (because they were sent postal ballots. Trump sees these extra votes as cheating because he doesn't understand CIVICS. The mathematics are very simple. Trump would easily have won IF he had encouraged his base to vote by post but his is psychologically incapable of admitting that he shot himself in the foot over postal voting. Diddums. It is what it is. Biden's outreach was simply more effective on this occasion.

    My view of Trump? I actually feel sorry for the man notwithstanding his lack of empathy / concern for others. He is what he is and is incapable of change. Trump's personal weaknesses attract crooks, idiots and crackpots like flies to dog sh*t. His enablers (including Fox News) turbocharged Trump's many weaknesses and should answer for their crimes IMHO. Trump's older children are pathetic and should not have been allowed anywhere near the White House. They are a primary cause of Trump's fall. (I read that Ivanka is so stuck up, self opiniated and disgusting that she made her secret service detail use Obama's toilet. None of her 5 friggin bathrooms could be used by the agents. This reminds me of the days when black domestic servants were not allowed to "pollute" the bathrooms of white supremacists. Anyway this piece of stuck up Trumpist filth now as ambitions to be Florida's Governor in years to come.)


    Last edited by Osi: 16/01/21
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