us raids capture scores of iraqi baddies, page-18

  1. 3,143 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1237
    I don't normally get into these slanging matches because this is an investment forum and not a political/racial/sledging forum. One thing I have picked up is Dave-r may be a yank or spells like one. How do you spell defence?? As for all people joining the service expecting to go where they're told and do what they're told that is correct! What is not correct is the fact that when you sign up there may be prime ministers at the time with common dog. What you can't control is the idiots that get into power after the fact! I did my 20 years and I can tell you now that I will never agree with Australia being a part of the invasion force of Iraq!! Through its actions, Australia has made the world a more dangerous place by undermining the authority of the UN. People in power do not give a damn about their troops being killed!! Well not until it effects public opinion and their polling stats! Give Johnny and his henchmen a styer and stick em in the front line or draft their families to the front line and see if they have a change of heart!! Unfortunately, due to our actions we have to stay in Iraq and fix our mess up. Australia will have commitments for many years to come and will eventually start to get casualties. History will show that the actions of the coalition changed the world and it won't be for the better. Johnnies only chance of staying in power is to go to the polls before Bush. He will call an election before November! Even then it may be a close call!
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