Day traders' after-market lounge February 18, page-114

  1. 2,395 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    Good job for acknowledging that DT is not for you. It is not for me either. I lost too much sleep and hours trying to catch back what I lost , took months to go back to neutral and in profit now.

    I only rarely DT but if I do it’s a small parcel. 95% of day trader lose money. You saw how many lost $10k + from buying FFG and PRL at close to the high.

    My advice if you do want to play with DT still is do not trust anyone here in relation to them pumping a day. Everyone who trade here has an agenda to win money at expense of someone else. If someone mentions a stock, research it , understand why it’s rising and if it is justified or if charts suggests a breakout.

    Only put in what you are fully prepared to lose.

    Remember people who win big are the one who MT-LT. Some people here do it as their 9-5 job and are experienced. They have massive capital and can afford it. Do not be blinded that trading will make you a millionaire.

    May I suggest talking to @Veritas2000 . He may be able to assist you in your journey.
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