Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-56788

  1. 18,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 162
    @wotsup - I am so sad and sorry what happened to you, but you seem to have a philosophical streak and that helps.
    My two remaining daughters are not rich, one is frugal and hard-working and will have a reasonable retirement, especially not if, but when I cark it, they can then sell this and split the proceeds in two. I am still in mind to keep the third for my granddaughter in England, although they do not need the money, but if her mother had lived, she would have received a third, as her rightful inheritance.

    So I have a bit of thinking to do, but atm we are all still sad and sorry over the loss of someone, we have all been proud of, some openly, some secretly.

    Dementia is a terrible thing, I had occasion, yesterday to re-acquaint myself with an old friend, who I had last seen 2 years ago, and she is definitely not the person she was, not much interest in what was going on, her stock-reply a kind of charming (but really 'cackling kind of laughter at opportune and other moments . . . . but when I think about her, and her ways, she was never open to new ideas, always did everything in the traditional way she had been taught, you couldn't argue with her and hope for a good hearing . . . so I do think a kind of mental rigidity is a precursor to it, that, and/or an accident, as seems to have been the case with your Mum. So sorry for you!!

    Here is a joke: another renewed acquaintance owing to S. death, is/was the then little Italian girl from the market garden 'up the road'.
    her Mum used to run the garden and also the sales. One of her tried and true laughter-producing lines she accidentally discovered was, when a client turned up and she told him to "Please, wait a minute, because I have to get the shits off the line!!"
    she tried this one on every new visitor - I got a serve of it, too, but didn't laugh, but then she didn't go and get the 'shits off the line' - but just looked me in a disappointed kind of way, I then realised what she was doing/saying . . rolleyes.png

    Same lady is now in a home for elderly Italians, here in Perth - the kids are killing themselves laughing when she tells them about the goings on - she is still totally corpus mentus, but according to her all the other old dears are suffering from 'dimensions'

    Sorry that was a bit of a distraction! I am glad you have come to some kind of understanding . . . human beings are flawed, we all are, forgive them, please!
    Go well

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