MSB 0.32% $3.15 mesoblast limited

Ann: Half Year Report and Accounts (including Appendix 4D), page-33

  1. 2,318 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 385
    Ok so on page 12-13 it describes that COVID has delayed all clinical trials and that full secondary data collection hasnt completed for the trial yet which means the NOVARTIS deal hasnt closed yet. This may mean an extension to the agreed mid March closing date of the deal? also details the deal is $25m cash and $25m equity?
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Mkt cap ! $3.989B
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$3.20 $3.23 $3.13 $6.250M 1.964M

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11 65952 $3.14

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$3.15 18727 6
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Last trade - 10.49am 04/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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