un vote on fence, page-4

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    ponder this-un vote on fence, from the scotsman Ponder this.....

    The illegality of this ruling and the ludicrous fact that it was a Chinese judge who announced the ruling condemning Israel and that among the evidence
    were condemnations by Sudan North Korea and Cuba, all wonderful exponents of Human Rights!

    There's something ironic about a Chinese Judge delivering a judgment on Israel's tiny defensive wall. The Great (defensive) Wall of China runs 1500 miles and is 2,700 years old.

    Judged by Its Peers

    A quiz about the member states whose justices sit on the International Court of Justice and condemned Israel for a security fence-less than 48 hours before there was a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, with responsibility claimed by an Arafat supported terrorist

    (1) The ambassador of this country described Israel as a "Shitty littlecountry". France

    (2) Formerly a colony of the country sited above and closely aligned with it. Madagascar

    (3) Still trying to cope with democracy, killed its own citizens for trying to protest. China

    (4) Six million Jews were killed in cold blood because of the ruler of this country. Germany

    (5) 60% of the population of this country is Moslem. Sierra Leone

    (6) 92% of the population of this country is Muslim. Egypt

    (7) 94% of the population of this country is Muslim. Jordan

    (8) The former foreign minister of this country just signed a eplica of the Security Fence (really the wall that makes up less than 5% of it) to celebrate the court's decision. UK

    (9) This country had the highest percentage of its Jewish population killed in the Holocaust-with the assistance of its local police force. Netherlands

    (10) The country maintained a policy for over 60 year to restrict the rights of Jews. Russian Republic

    (11) Last year there was a great deal of virulent anti-Semitic propaganda,including classical manifestations of anti-Semitism. The period of the coup against the president and its aftermath were marked by anti-Semitic expressions by political groups close to
    official circles, as well as in the independent media. Venezuela

    (12) Citizens seem to have developed a horror and fascination with the Jews on a par with the strongest European traditions. Japan

    (13) Anti-Semitic activity was manifested mainly in slogans at right-wing demonstrations and in propaganda in extreme right publications. During the May 2002 election campaign posters were
    defaced by slogans, such as "Israeli interests are behind the Socialists." Hungary

    (14) The anti-Israel discourse was extremely anti-Semitic among almost all sectors of the public: the left, the extreme right, the academic community, the media, the Catholic Church and the Islamic community. Sharon was demonized and compared repeatedly to Hitler in
    every discussion forum. Anti-Semiticsentiments among leftists, in addition to their anti-Americanism,
    were fuelled by the Second Gulf War. Brazil

    (15) This country does not tolerate overt anti-Semitism. (Hint: It alone voted against the majority of the court.) United States

    While this may not be fair, neither was the decision of the court.

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