CHRISTINE give me MONEY Holgate, page-20

  1. 1,841 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    If I was you I'd be would more focused on the the judgement of the idiots that thought that unlawfully turfing out a highly able CEO was not going to bite them. Exactly how stupid are these people that they didn't think there would be a backlash as more details came out.

    Truly our Federal Government and especially Morrison are not only unfit, but even lacking the intellect of even the most basic life form. We should all be very concerned that we have such fools that confuse a light at the end of the tunnel with the freight train carriering towards them at break neck speed. I hope this contributes something towards the bringing an to an end to this Liberal Party freakshow that is our Federal Government.

    I'll bet Morrison thought him being P.M. would save the Liberal Party, it should be clear by now to even some of the most rusted on supporters that he's doing his best to send it the way of the Dodo without even realising it.

    If P.M.Morrison was a real leader he would have chivelrously defended Christine Holgate when he had the opportunity given it would have been an easy case to make in the light of what had been achieved only he was too busy taking the low road and showing his true colours at the time, the same colours shown by many others with prominent roles in this.
    Scott Morrison may be the P.M. but you'd have to be living under a rock to not realise he certainly shouldn't be.


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