Hi Hyo this stock puzzles me a little at times, there are buyers coming in but do not go into the depth and just place their orders at market and buy passively.
I can only put it down to accumulation and no one prepared to pump it until another announcement. Whats your thoughts on it?
I am hoping to hear from Peter Boonan over the weekend, I sent him an email through the week. He returned email saying he was on the road and would send a response on the weekend.
STI Stirling Products Limited FPO
Total Trades Total Volume Last Trade V.W.A.P*
12 773,830 2.1 2.18
* Volume Weighted Average Price
Number (s) Time
Last Traded Price Volume Change Value Number
of Trades
7 - 12 2:35:22 pm 2.1 173,830 0.1 $3,650 6
1 - 6 12:42:10 pm 2.2 600,000 $13,200 6
as can be seen only $3,650 or 173,830 shares traded at .21 but STI certainly needs some buying power at the moment.
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