Why Trump was so popular with the masses, page-19

  1. 9,225 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    The loyalty to Trump is based on his appeal to white grievance, I think. There's this cycle of white violence and anger in the US that occurs until white people get given trillions of dollars every now and then.

    After the US Civil War, 10% of the US land mass was given to angry white people with the Homestead Act. Freed black people were largely prevented from getting any compensation for being enslaved.

    After WWI successful black businesses and neighbourhoods were burnt by jealous whites. In 1934, the US Housing Act gave whites low cost home loans. Housing maps prevented loans being given to black areas, which were marked in red.

    After WWII, the US GI Bill gave trillions of dollars of homes, home loans, free university education and job training to whites. This is the "Golden" era of the US in 1950s, of the self made white male in his suburban home. Totally subsidised by taxpayer handouts in reality.

    So I see Trump as articulating this illogical white anger that bubbles up now and then in America. They just get mad until they get given trillions of dollars of free stuff.
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