Victorian Budget.

  1. 60 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    While the federal government is looking to grow the economy by promoting investment and consumer spending, Commrade Andrews and his band of Socialists are taxing Victorians in the new state budget. In particular, through the lift in land tax and stamp duties.

    The Victorian Land Tax brackets have not been adjusted since 2009. In 2009, the median price of a house in Victoria was $360,000. It's now around $1m. Rental incomes and the price of goods and services sold by businesses that own their property have risen by CPI over this time, in no way keeping up with the cost of land tax. To add insult to injury, the Vic government is further gouging investors and businesses more as a result of tax bracket creep, as land tax rates increase with value, and as mentioned before, these tax brackets haven't been adjusted to reflect the property market since 2009.

    So while the Andrews government is saying that "property owners" should be paying more as a result of prices lifting, they already have been paying "overs" even before this government plunges a knife deeper into businesses and investors by hiking it's air tax higher in this budget. This is nothing short of and ambit claim from a government that has no ability to manage spending. At least with an income tax, there is tax payable on a profit, Land tax has absolutely no bearing on the earnings of a business and is levied on what land may earn if fully developed to maximise yield. It's an insidious tax, where small business and residential investors don't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

    And let's not forget that this government forced owners of residential investment properties into the welfare business for a whole year as a result of Covid. "Rental Providers", the term "Landlord" has been dropped by the government as property owners have no rights to their properties, were legally forced to forgive rent, could not raise rents, could not evict delinquent tenants or those causing malicious damage and were offerred no commercially offset by the government in doing so. And in recognition of this, they raise an already over-inflated land tax! Meanwhile, over this same period, banks were not forced to pardon loans, (in fact they capitalised interest payments), Coles and Wesfarmers weren't forced to provide free groceries, AGL and Origin weren't forced to provide free gas and electricity, only small business and investors were mandated by this socialist government to do their heavy lifting for them.

    So as Chairman Dan convalesces from a fall or a rumoured stroke (don't expect the truth from a credited liar) letting the dust settle after the tax paid Kangaroo Court that was the Coates Inquiry, another masterclass in deflection, failed to resolve who signed a dodgy $30m sweet-heart deal for 3 months work that killed 800 people, where is the leader of the Victorian Liberal Party????? How can someone be so invisible with this much death and destruction being inflicted by a teflon coated meglomaniac?

    Andrews under his own industrial workplace laws should be in Jail, instead he's received a pay rise for destroying the economic well being of our state and is stepping up in this budget to cause more damage, thinking that raising taxes will promote investment and growth.

    Unless you're part of a millitatnt union, on welfare, sufferring from a fashionable mental health poblem, Chinese,Syrian,Iraqi or other business type wishing to do a beind closed door deal or Member of Parliament, this government has nothing for you other than pain and no excuses. This will see a lot of business and investment leave the state.

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