Because maybe will interest you to know deeply,
- Not because im changing my risk profile, but mainly because i respect (( a lot) this HC i understand is my duty come and disclose if any major changes in my position.
previously told i understand my investment jn MSB in my “trade -risk” portfolio could not exceed 5% of total funds.
yesterday with my purchases i arrived to something around30% and today probably it will increase even to comes to 50%.
let me justify my changes ( and no way I want incentive or suggest each people copy the model- each person must consider his own circumstances for such decisions)
i read carefully all texts mainly the “ non sayers” because this are the red flags that I always want understand when i buy or think to buy.
they are so wrong !! ( with all my respects)
they talk about “ cash is not enough for 1 year” like somebody starting a journey to walk to Kathmandu.
no one year my friends.
no nine months
no reason to discuss even how many x months
Can some of this “non sayers” understand doesn’t exist LONG term journey without short-term journey ?
And the short term definetevelly is linked with NVS agreement and maybe a little bit later , but still much earlier than 6 months, FDA-GVHD( yes u can dispute this late one)
what is the point discuss if the 158m can pay loans and carry 30m per quarter in expense?
the question could- should and NEED to be;
do we have money to work this next 3-6 months ?
( just to match any caveats of lenders etc)
nobody can dispute the answer. Yes plenty , yes no doubt
Than the second question mustvto be -
> do u really think NVS will not answer before 30/6 ? And try carry such “analysis” for lets say entire next 3 months ?
Exist a minimal common sense in world.
Business people respect partners and doesn’t, on purpose ,make them feel as a clown.
If the do , other people later on, will prefer choose other Pharma to link their a “small wotld and inside Pharma, all know each other and all must respect and create a good image. If not the small
companies just rejects approach them .
we are in a competition world. And Pharma is fascinating and huge.And they understand clearly their power.
they use that in much more smart manner!
They dont play cheap they don’t play small they dont have time to “ the house wives of Switzerland”.( like i read few days agi suggesting they want bring a company to bankruptcy’s)
they are sharp, straight, strong, and clear mind in what yes and what no.
NVS probably at that stage is seating with MSB discussing several terms conditions and probably playing strong because that is the nature of the game. But they are IN and after yesterday who can dispute ?
Of course before sign no deal exist, but people here is smart and can easy read financials.
Somebody here think SI will play hard and say ,,, you know NVS .. maybe bye bye its better to you... we prefer to go alone or start from nihil with somebody else...
he is not crazy!!!
Last 10 years cant show clear that he is on top of events in pragmatic manner ? Or do u thing Surgicenter just arrived a week ago?
yes, some times he is more IN LOVE than i would like, but this is how passion people deal with their creation.
I set as a likely day 30/6 likely earlier for two reasons. For sure any CEO of NVS or whatever love fill as much gaps in their annual report.
they can sell with excitement in such deal.
but also they know is unpleasant and unfair hold a future partner indefenetevelly and as such they understand upsetting SI they run a risk he goes someone else sell the project leaving NVS like the guy that laugh about the “bohemian rhapsody”
30/6 no more than that , and that is SEVERAl weeks from today .
yes, Can be a nightmare hold during that time with plenty action trying to bend the trend downwards.
i hope people can read with attention my comments .
If by any chance they succeed to bring back to 1.74 or even 1.50 they will work against them!!!
Because like a boomerang they will rebound even stronger ( including risks of take over action, wiping completly their funds. I dont believe any fund want play this game , not now and not with MSB with NVS in the table.
we arrived on “ professional zone game”
what that means ?
with all my respect to long term holders , they were deeply wrong all this years , running all risks , betting all time in the success and true believers of a technology still to be adjusted and proved in some ways.
probably most of LTH are in red!
and that is the prove they were wrong.
Now , like or not, we talk about adjust the dosage to over 65 , we dont talk about if it will works, but how much to works.
we seat today with FDA not to discuss if REM-L is efficacy or safe . They are and they agree. They just want consistency if batches and productions rules and controls.
now yes should be the time to start be a LTH ( uf your profile matches to some risk levels)
maybe u should ask .
But , if so clear that now we have “ product” why exactly now the share is close to the historical 10 years bottom ?
Maybe the answer is in HC holders posters.
this writters and investors answer traders and mums and dads are fully invested. No more funds to buy !
a huge volume of small and medium investors, traders, moms and dads , even in days with TOTAL volume 1-2-3 million we see people placing bets up and down.
A daily horse gaming !!
( i dont complaint- im one of the beneficiaries of that )
but now must end.And it will !
not because i said so.
but because NOVARTIS is in our door seating and striking a deal and dont be naif.
they will !!
answering YES or NO and in both cases the repercussion jn share will be absolutely strong and major.
Each person is master of his own funds and decisions.
im a strong believer that YES they will , and as such i decided change the Level risk in MSB to something around 50% of my trading funds .
Like one fellow here said is something like 40 shares accumulating 220.
no, im not a billionaire, but i can comfortable say , i work in 7 digit level in my trade portfolio and im proud of each cent I made in my 37 years.Was hard work in daily basis in many hours per day !some days 15-16 hours
i wish to all holders, investors traders and mums and dads big big good luck.
to tjis daily haters that place texts so aggressive ir just laughing about holders my sincere suggestion is: Review whatbis going on in your souls. Why take pleasure from others suffer ?
yes, criticise or raise one weakness is good and desirable, but with respect and not in obsessive manner.
something must be wrong with such behaviour. Something deeply wrong with this guys.
i hope now we are entering in the decision zone And with good
cards in our hands.
lets bring NVS on our game !