global warming is fake, page-184

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    have some dignity and quit hiding behind the thin veneer of alleged scientific concern.

    The science I've read is almost totally against AGW and in spite of my asking, you have not been able to post any reputable independent scientific opinion supporting your extreme and dangerous views.

    Do you read/watch any of the stuff we skeptics post, or do you skip it? If you do read it, why do you dismiss it? Could it be because you accept as truth all the slurs about these mostly honourable men being in the pocket of big oil? Is that not a "slur"?

    I can assure that Bob Carter (linked to earlier) is a tenured professor (ergo not endebted to big oil) who has spent time on a deep ocean drilling vessel on which they examined cores of sediment drilled out the ocean depths, an activity directly connected to this branch of study. He should not be dismissed lightly.
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