The sad future of education in the USA?

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    Parents send a message to Spence school via a billboard.

    Parents revolt at Manhattan’s posh Spence School amid race-video scandal

    There’s an anti-”woke’’ revolt brewing at Manhattan’s posh Spence School.

    Some parents involved with the ultra-exclusive Upper East Side academy are mounting a letter-writing campaign demanding that the administration take “a step backward’’ from its alleged out-of-control political correctness — after The Post exposed a flap over a racially offensive class video.

    “We will have our day,’’ a mom said.

    “This is becoming a culture war,’’ the mother said of the perceived over-the-top “woke’’ stance at Spence and other tony private New York City schools. “I guess that’s what people want, instead of being truthful.

    ”The movement comes after a top former Spence board member said she was yanking her daughter from the school over its “wokeness.

    ’’The irate mom, **riela Baron, said a “blatantly racist’’ video that “tarred and feathered’’ white women was shown to her daughter and some Spence eighth-graders in their final history class on graduation day earlier this month.
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