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    Punishing Price Tag: Countless Trillions Being Squandered On Unreliable Wind & Solar

    There’s a complete reality disconnect among those peddling the ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future: physics, engineering and economics hardly feature in their starry-eyed worldview.

    So much is evident in the latest policy must have – the net-zero carbon dioxide emissions target.

    Put aside the fact that it’s yet another opportunity for crony capitalists to wallow in your cash, there’s a veritable gulf between the claims made on how such a target might be achieved and the tools that these jokers claim are already capable of meeting a net-zero target.

    Of course, the argument that – with a few trillion TWhs worth of (heavily subsidised) lithium batteries and using (heavily subsidised) intermittent wind and solar to turn electricity into (heavily subsidised) hydrogen gas to burn in open cycle gas turbines when the sun sets and the wind stops blowing – net-zero emissions targets are a costless cinch is peppered with plenty of subsidy-seeking self-interest. As you’d expect.

    In short, as Robert Bryce points out, those pushing net-zero CO2 emission targets live in a world utterly remote from earthly reality.

    The IEA’s ‘Roadmap’ for Net-Zero Is Full of Dead Ends
    Real Clear Energy
    Robert Bryce
    25 May 2021


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