How is YHWH pronounced?, page-80

  1. 5,663 Posts.
    Now, do tell how many gods the roman empire worshipped after converting to Christianity,
    I don't know the full number, but it includes the days of the week, months of the year plus Easter and Christmas for a start which were all named by the Romans after pagan gods. The only religion they spoke against was Christianity.

    For crying out loud Mrg, get real, if the church is supposed to convert pagans into Christians, what’s the big deal in converting pagan concepts into Christian concepts.

    After all aren’t Christians supposed to convert the whole world, as in let it be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    Do tell now, even the words used in the bible, eg, English, has pagan roots, the words you are typing are of the same origin, Jesus or God never spoke any English, from my understanding it originated in Germany, thou I could be wrong, and that goes to all the languages around the world except maybe for few Jewish words.

    Get a grip, can’t you tell these are gimmicks used by the WT to get a grip on you, knock knock,

    (Acts 28:22) But we think it proper to hear from you what your thoughts are, for truly as regards this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere.”
    When they could not stamp it out they adopted the name for themselves just as was foretold.

    I don’t know what your problem is here, but this is what happens when you take a text out of context, if you read 28:17–22 Paul’s first act in Rome is to learn from the leaders of the Jewish community whether the Jews of Jerusalem plan to pursue their case against him before the Roman jurisdiction. He is informed that no such plan is afoot, but that the Jews of Rome have heard the Christian teaching denounced. The sect Paul is referring too here is Christianity, as Christianity lined up with the Jewish and Roman religion it’s seen as a sect at that time, yeah, they adopted the name Christians, as in follower of Christ, and later on Catholic, meaning “universal” as it is supposed to be for all humanity, what in the entire nation is your problem MrG

    (Acts 20:29, 30) I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness,  and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.

    Now isn’t this what the WT is doing,

    I have no problems with this verse and no one in Christianity does, there has always been and will be decent, what you fail to see and will not so you can twist and turn to fit into your views, is that this verse doesn’t speak of full blown out apostacy as you are insinuating the early church did, just to justify the WT existence.

    But I don’t blame you as you been well and truly conditioned to believe whatever comes out of the WT, it’s the WT that twist and turns these things to justify its own existence. People feel sorry for JW’s members, that they truly cannot see they been taken in hook line and sinker, and are turned into WT sub-servants and slaves, pure and simply cannot leave otherwise you'll be hit by a ton of bricks from the WT, will well and truly know it when getting shunned.
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