how to make a nuclear device in 3 easy lessons

  1. 211 Posts.
    For what it's worth, I did a google search as a joke on how to make a nuclear bomb. I nearly fell off my chair when it showed over 1 million results on that topic. It seems one can make such a device with junk lying around the average home, at least that's what some jokers are stating. And if nuclear is a tad over the top, there are also instuctions on how to make dirty bombs.... that way, you only kill a few thousand of your fellow man.

    There was even one guy attempting to sell a nuclear bomb in good working order! I guess if it hasnt detonated, it must be in good working order. I'll take a stab in the dark and say postage and handling would be a killer, and once past those P&H fees, how the hell does one get such an item through the post office without raising suspicion?

    As a matter of interest, what is the craziest thing people have looked for and found using google (or any other search engine for that matter)?
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