2 die.... thats OK, page-114

  1. 3,493 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    @sharetrader1....Thank you for you second rely reiterating the first without all the bold print.....

    As I am an ex engineer, I am a man of science. Therefore I will stick with science, thank you. Except with these new untested vaccines. Where I consider science has been done badly, I am the first to call it out.

    By your tagline you appear to be a person of faith. I am not. In fact, I lean more towards nihilism. Therefore I will not debate the issue with you, because you have faith you are correct, no doubt. I, like most average people, have doubts. The nearest I come to faith, is that I assume the Sun will rise in the East tomorrow. However! That is not yet proven.

    Thank you for your second reply. I am now off to the club for dinner, and to watch the Rugby League. I believe I will have a glass of wine. (unless I drown in the shower first )

    May the wind always be at your back, and the rain fall soft upon you....Marum Katze.

    PS. Old Celtic benediction.
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