IXC 0.00% 7.0¢ invex therapeutics ltd

Ann: Invex Granted Key European Patent for Exenatide, page-50

  1. 412 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 58
    Or it could just be time and the market. Had you put your money elsewhere over the past 12 months you would have made a lot more than parking it here. OPT's share price is struggling for the same reason. Investors know that they can come back to this stock in a few months and pay a comparable price. FYI, I very confidently sold my entire IXC allocation after the Phase 2 result announcement knowing that there'd be this dip between P2 and P3 trials. The instos will jump back in soon - very confident of that. And especially now that the EU patent has been granted.
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1 37349 7.0¢

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8.0¢ 10000 1
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