BIDEN, page-16

  1. 4,978 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1814
    I think that you guys miss one important point and that is that Joe Biden is a great US president and heres why.
    Anyone with any sense would not have gone into Afghanistan. But the US did. Shortly after getting there they realised that they couldnt win but Bush stayed unable to admit defeat. Then Obama had 2 terms threw an extra 30,000 troops at the problem but he couldnt accept what his experts were telling him. They were telling him that the US could not win. Then Trump had a go and to his credit he was pulling out of the war that has no end and could not be won. OK 2 trillion dollars and 4,000 US lives down the toilet Biden says that it, we are out. Theres no way to sugar coat this as soon as the US says we are out its all going to collapse. People scratch their heads and say but the Afghan army was 300,000 strong but was it, if you account for ghost soldiers the real number I read is between 50K and 150K and the number is blown out because for some reason people count the police. Whatever, you got this army that wasnt paid regularly was short on food and ammunition. Have you seen those vids of Afghan army training where soldiers cant follow orders because they are off their faces.
    Afghanistan was a disaster, staying was a disaster and leaving was a disaster. If you think that this was handled particularly badly watch the u tube of the evacuation of Da Nang same as Kabul people hanging off jet planes as they leave only to fall to their deaths.
    I think that they could have done it better (anything can be done better) but the US intel was that Kabul would not fall for three months. Biden thought that he had 3 months up his sleeve when in reality he only had 3 days.
    Anyhow tell me how the situation could be saved and I will tell you that your dreaming because the situation could not be saved, 20 years 2 trillion dollars and only defeat in sight. It was dead only Biden had the guts to say this parrot is dead. (monty python reference)
    About leaving people behind watch a vid of the fall of the US embassy Saigon theres an American speaks Vietnamese tells all the people in the compound that they will all be put on helicopters. With 250 left hes ordered to leave them he tells them hes going to take a leak but sneaks onto the last helicopter. Real classy stuff but someones got to make the call, lucky for the US they got Biden everyone else did something else.
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