CNJ 16.7% 1.0¢ conico ltd

Ann: Application for quotation of securities - CNJ, page-21

  1. 3,345 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1076
    Taking your point, mightydragon10, I'd opine conversion of those .04 options is continuing apace. From the info on the previous applications for quotations, all up there are/were 36 million options@ .04c,and [email protected]. My view is, T A-J has sussed out the area thoroughly.He knows what's there. Sitting down with his team, he's plotted out a drilling program to find out the quality and extent of what they've got.They've crunched the numbers and now have a fair idea of the dollars needed to fund that program. Hence the rush by 'connections' to convert. Get 'Mr Market' to pay for it rather than asking shareholders in a CR. This is something a chart can't predict-the 'x' factor. How many are left to convert? At what rate will they be placed on the market? My guess would be so as not to let the sp go below, say .065. But who knows? No need to panic. In fact, I take it as a good sign. Further 'evidence'-circumstantial I admit,that the lads[and lasses?] at the coalface know they're onto something big.I've topped up and will do so again if the sp stays at these levels.

    Last edited by donnybrook: 06/09/21
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