Flannery and his Broken Crystal Ball, page-1096

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    Perhaps an opportune time to look at the Gore predictions. This is reviewed in the following short article essentially to have a look at what has happened 15 years after them thar predictions by Gore.

    Fifteen years on, Al Gore's ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, the former VP's Oscar-winning film, has proved to be largely inaccurate tripe — RT Op-ed

    An extract: (the whole, short article, is well worth a read IMO)
    "Anyway, I digress. I wanted to write this piece to mark the fifteenth anniversary of An Inconvenient Truth’s release and see how some of Gore’s apocalyptic predictions stand up today. I have chosen three – but could have covered many, many more.

    The first is that the sea levels could rise by 20 feet in “the near future,” leading to cities across the globe being submerged and millions of people left homeless. Now this might seem like a scene from the 2004 disaster movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow’, but don’t worry, it is just as unrealistic.

    Cities have not become submerged and the last time I visited the Netherlands a few years back, I didn’t have to wear a snorkel. I mean, come on, even the IPCC, which itself is not averse to using scare tactics, predicted in 2007 that sea levels only would rise between0.59cm to two feet in this century.

    Gore himself was so concerned about rising sea levels that he bought an $8 million beachfront property inLos Angeles a few years later.Indeed, those pesky Democrats love to tell people how to live, but rarely practice what they preach…Barack Obama’s recent maskless birthday bashis a case in point.

    Anyway, the second faulty prediction Gore made is that the polar ice caps in the North Pole would have melted by the middle of the last decade. He made this claimin 2008during an interview in Germany at the COP15 Climate Conference.

    Technically he did not invent this hyperbolic claim himself, he just plucked it from a climate alarmist study. But as Gore put it out there to the wider world, he owns it. And just a cursory look at a map, or indeed recent photographs from space, reveal that, yes, those polar ice caps are still there.

    Finally, and I think this is the best,Gore claimedthat “global warming, along with the cutting and burning of forests and other critical habitats, is causing the loss of living species at a level comparable to the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.” Now it doesn’t take a genius to see that this is simply not true.

    Scientists believe that dinosaurs – and 70% of animals and plants on Earth – were wiped out when a 10-kilometre-wide asteroid crashed into theYucatan Peninsula. And thank God it did happen, because chances are, we wouldn’t be here today if it hadn’t. Anyhow, Gore’s claim that the mild warming we are witnessing today could have the same effect as the asteroid is so ridiculous that I’m not even sure it warrants a rebuttal."

    Last edited by tbirdsrgo: 15/09/21
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