Ivermectin, page-119

  1. 2,815 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 620
    Covid is real but it is a pandemic of the FOSSILS.

    F for the already frail
    O for the many obese citizens
    S for senior citizens that are the real vulnerable
    S for those with underlying sickness like diabetes and respiratory diseases
    I for those that are already ill and have weakened immune systems
    L for all the lazy that can't take care of their own health and well being
    S for all those so scared that they adversely affect their own immune system with mental illness

    These are the vulnerable people. Protect the vulnerable and let the rest of humanity get on with their lives within reasonable and sensible restrictions. Increase the capacity of the health system. Improve the capability of health support. Implement the full range of health programs and not just those that enrich the elite.

    To now get 18 months down the track and still not have the health system and support ready for the increased numbers of patients is gross negligence. The whinging from the health workers is now reaching a crescendo. So much money already wasted. It is a disgrace.
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