MRNA vaccines a danger ., page-12

  1. 29,185 Posts.
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    If I get vaccinated, can I Stop wearing a mask? No.

    If I get vaccinated, will I be resistant to Covid No.

    If I get vaccinated, I won’t be contagious to others, right? No.

    The vaccine does not stop transmission.

    If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last? No one knows.

    Why? Because it’s still in it’s experimental phases.

    If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing? No.

    So what is the advantage of getting vaccinated? Hoping the virus won’t kill you.

    Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me? No guarantees.

    If statistically the virus has a 99.97% survival rate,

    Why should I get vaccinated? To protect others.

    So If I get vaccinated I can protect everyone around me? No

    If I experience adverse effects from the vaccine,

    Am I entitled to be compensated by the manufacturer or the government? Absolutely not.

    So let's summarise,

    The Covid-19 vaccine does not provide immunity.

    Does not eliminate the virus.

    Does not prevent death.

    Does not Guarantee you won’t get it.

    Does not stop you from passing it on to others.

    Does not eliminate masks or social distancing.

    Does not eliminate lockdowns.

    Annnd, if you have adverse effects, you’re out of luck.

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