Who is this hero ?, page-310

  1. 3,958 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 97
    ."The number of cases and deaths I posted was at this point in time, cases and deaths will rise, and the actions of nuf nufs like this woman will contribute to the suffering and deaths to come. "who will be responsible for much more suffering and death to come.""...
    "who will be responsible for much more suffering and death to come.""..

    Glug, Accept that she may not and, if so she will not be the only one contributing to your fear.

    .."If you were truly concerned, you would be more concerned about those out there having a total disregard for the health and safety of other people and the community.

    Glug I told you what my concern is and your idea of what my concern should be is just that ...... your idea not mine.
    The level of disregard and the outcomes are far from proven, culpability for the trauma's physical and mental are much broader than you accept and your idea v. my idea have no relationship yet to facts that will ensue.

    "Feeding stupid people BS and urging them to go out into the community to do harm to other people and Australia is counter productive to having a decent coherent society".

    Glug Are you inferring I am Feeding people BS? If so then you completely missed my considerably thought out response to you and I cannot understand you did not get the gist of it.
    Nowhere have I incited nor urged anyone to do harm and if you maintain I have, then you need to improve your comprehension.

    As to the other points I have made you have offered nothing in response.

    Re your screen shot, could you elaborate further from the pic. what are you attempting to convey?

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