daytrade diaries... september 14, page-14

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Morning all (thanks HLL),

    I hope everyone had a great weekend - I did! Strangely, it feels as though I have been away for ages!!! Happy Holidays iPod (wherever you are!!!) :|

    Ok to start the week my trading tips include the following stocks:-

    Goldies - On the back of gold futures I think that you could pick just about any goldie atm and still be on a winner.

    BUY - I will be keeping a very close eye on BUY over the ensuing week as we have already spudded this well in the very prospective tenement in the Moomba oil & gas field (50kms NE).

    MEO - Getting closer to the announcement of a major JV partner (eg; Shell, Woodside, Chevron etc). Some speculate that some announcement may be made this week and this stock should have considerable upside to the sp so definitely worth watching imo.

    CCU - Looks like hitting the 10c mark this morning and might be worth a quick trade imo.

    CXY - Had an Announcement out this morning regarding constructions works being accelerated on its Queensland UCG project (pre-production to start in early 2010).This stock has been oversold imo and might be good for a trade today.

    CNP - This comment is moreso for poster *catwoman* (as promised last week). Cat, i do apologise for not getting back to you earlier but I was too busy having a good time over the weekend (lol).

    Regarding CNP, various Trusts have gone up over the past short while on the back of restructuring, releasing under-performing assets with no growth potential, recapitalising and concentrating on Australian assets. With Centro, a lot of their properties are downscale malls outside of Australia ie; in America. This is bad in some ways imo that the properties are not first tier real estate ... but good in another way insofar as the area and tenants are more affordable & therefore may be securing a flow of shoppers & therefore turnover, which in turn leads to tenant security & rental income (this is all imo btw). I think also that cash is flowing into the sector, probably from Investors & Institutions that pulled out last year.

    It was interesting reading an article in 'The Australian' newspaper this morning where Marais from Orbis has been a consistent buyer of Property Trusts in the past year and has made significant profits from trading his holdings - he said: "the sector was incredibly cheap at one time, but not any more". Also in that same article Shaw Stockbroking said today that a lot of Institutions that deserted the sector are flowing back now because income yields were better than general equities. He added that Trusts continued to trade at discounts to their NTA and that there is an expectation that they would trade up to asset value over the next 6 - 8 months. So, take from that what you will cat but that's about as much as I can add for now.

    Anyways, have a great day trading all and I will leave you with my quote for the day being:-

    “Always borrow money from a pessimist, he doesn’t expect to be paid back.” ~ Author Unknown

    Cheers, Pie (:
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