4DX 0.00% 49.5¢ 4dmedical limited

Covid - 4DX, page-25

  1. 7,412 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 457
    Does anyone work in healthcare and know if other such devices like Xray, MRI, CT Scan equipment charge per scan?

    I am thinking when 4DX develop these new generation scanners in particular is it common practice with other similar devices to be charged per scan? Because at this stage it is really no different operational wise to an MRI machine and 4DX will sell the device and it will scan and spit out the pictures.

    Of course they may say we will sell the device cheaper but then get ongoing payments, or may say this is so good a technology whatever others do we are starting a new trend of per scan usage.

    Just wondering if the healthcare fraternity operates this way and/or would be happy to accept this method if not?
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