Financial Highlights
Total Revenue UP By 46% or $6.3million to $19.9million
Gross Profit UP By 76% or $4.1million to $9.5 million reflecting both higher revenue and margin %
EBITDA UP By $5.9 million reflecting both gross margin improvements and business cost reductions
Monthly recurring contract revenue charge UP By 46% to $1.68 million per month reflecting both strong new customer growth and retention
Annualised contracted annuity revenue UP To $20.2million
Annual average revenue per contract UP By 54% or $7k to $20k per contract reflecting higher value contracts and higher grade customers
Total New Contract Value UP By 277% or $12.7 million in total new contract value reflecting market penetration
Operating Cashflow UP By 99% or $4.8 million reflecting all of the above and structured cash management
Not bad!