More deaths from the vaccine than covid., page-579

  1. 1,401 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 95
    Pearls before swine.

    Regarding a depopulation agenda qanoninsanity, surely your knowledge of history disagrees with your premise? Or have you assumed you share the planet only with people who share goodwill to all? Not to seem rude, but I consider that view a tad naive.

    I truly believe it has never been easier for people of bloodlust to kill 90% of the planet. They wouldn't even need to fire a shot. Just convince the masses to take the shot.

    Those that don't take it... Well... I imagine the news that the vaccinated are shedding synthetic spike protein generating virus onto those they encounter will leak out before long. Though the well oiled msm and their narrative swallowing lackeys will scream conspiracy all the way to the grave.

    So, if shedding does turn out to be a thing, did you do the right thing? The unvaxxed are assaulted despite their refusal and we all end up dominated by an AI singularity. Slaves without cognitive liberty, my greatest fear for our race.
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