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Ann: Firefly Scheme and Westgold Offer Update, page-57

  1. 4,943 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3695
    Hey all, interesting discussion on the transportation costs. Some really informative and thought provoking posts all round.
    Did a little a research on the transport topic myself today. I like to get a better understanding on transportation costs since this will have a large impact on GCY's profitability going forward. Here's what I found for what it's worth....

    The dump truck used by the NRW Dalgaranga operation is the Caterpillar 785C.
    Here is a picture from GCY's website gallery.

    Here is some technical info regarding payload, top speed etc

    Back of the envelope calculations...
    There is conflicting fuel consumption given on different sites but the range is somewhere between 100 to 130 liters per hour with a 140 ton full payload.

    Travel there and back estimate = 6 hours
    Diesel $1.80 per liter
    115 liters (mid estimate) per hour
    6 hours x 115 litres = 690 litres
    690 litres x $1.80 per litre = $1242 fuel cost
    Wage 7 hours x $80 per hour = $560
    Margin for NRW 20% = $1802 + 20% = $2160 per round trip

    Payload 136 tons x 1.4g/t = 190.4 grams per trip
    1 oz = 19g
    190 / 19 = 10oz per trip
    per round trip $2160 / 10oz

    Transport cost estimate $216 per ounce

    136 tons x 1.4 = 190 gram
    $2160 / 190 grams = $11.36 per gram per round trip
    $11.36 / 220km = 5.25c
    cost 5.25 cents a gram per kilometer travelled

    Obviously this is a ballpark figure but anywhere from $200 to $300 per ounce seems fairly economically still.
    By the time you throw in Mining Costs and Processing Costs, the cash cost should sit well below $1000 per ounce.
    136 tons x tons mined (double above estimate)$8.66 = $1177
    136 tons x Processing $15.00 = $2040
    136 tons x G&A $2.61 = $355
    136 tons x transport = $2160
    136 tons total cost = $5732
    136 tons at 1.4g per ton = 10 ounces
    $5372 / 10 ounces = $573.20
    Cash costs per ounce from Melville = $573.20

    As mentioned this is back of the envelope so if I'm missing anything would love to know..


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