Daily Price Movement / General Discussion, page-37220

  1. 133 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 53

    More lessons needed? That's not how you use the word initial when there has never been a change in the agreement.

    7 million shares were given a 1 cent exercise price.

    An additional 8 million shares have been given an exercise price of $100 if exercised with the first 7 million.

    So they have 2 choices basically.

    Warrant 1: Take their $1B (not $4B like you said haha) and run. It's $1B now based on the current SP.

    Warrant 2: Take the $1B, plus an investment into Affirm worth $800M, with a premium of whatever difference exists between $100 per share and the share price at the time they exercise the warrants.

    Love how either leave out things all the time, or just plain don't understand what you're looking at.

    I assume it's the later to be honest, because you actually thought Affirm was paying Amazon $4B for this deal and had no clue how a warrant works haha.
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