People Dying soon after Covid Vax, page-56

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Rubbish! Vaccination is a personal choice. It is not mandated as you claim.

    No-one is forced to have the jab.

    What the disparate groups of protestors are about include believers that Covid19, is
    a scam, believe the vaccine is a poison, believe govts are trying to do people in, believe
    that govt should not intrude in their lives, some are Far Right who see an opportunity to
    stir up trouble and some like the UAP Palmer/Kelly advocates who are just political opportunitists
    using these disparate groups to garner votes. All these groups dont want covid based restrictions
    on travel and employment.

    I repeat, no-one is forced to have the jab but if you dont restrictions sensibly apply in certain areas
    of employment and travel. Such restrictions have applied for years in various occupations where relevant
    vaccinations are seen as necessary including in our ADF. They are all by consent as now applies
    with Covid but if consent is not given that results in certain restrictions in employment.

    I remind everyone that Australia is going to have just about the highest rate of vaccinations
    in the world indicative of a population that is sensible, well informed who trust our doctors and medical
    experts on matters that impact the health of the nation
    . The protestors are the far less than one percent
    of society that tend to have disparate fringe views many of whom have a distrust of our institutions and govt.
    Some will of course be decent ordinary Australians who have been frightened by the misinformation on vaccines
    They are a small minority within a minority and now they realise they may have movement and employment restrictions.
    I do feel sorry for this latter group.

    Australia is opening up and the great bulk of its people will be celebrating all that has been accomplished.

    Hopefully, some of the very small minority that wont be celebrating will come round as they realise they have
    been misinformed and fed lies by those pushing the protests.
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