property purchases speculating not investing, page-21

  1. 1,469 Posts.


    if you are also sayign rent pays off the interest and costs ie your interest only loan. then you agree with my coment that housing is just a savings plan.

    also, inflation on debt does not shrink it, it grows it. interest rates go up when inflation goes up.

    a bank will not lend you money below inflation because it lose's value, it will keep ahead of it and make a profit.

    but you think your capital is always going to see the same growth with inflation as the lat 15 years, but it cant because that would mean housing needs to tripple against inflation again to do the same as what you seen in the past 15 years

    which means people on $60K will be buying house's with $1.2mil on home loans of about 9%

    how do you pay $100K in interest on $60K?

    there is no real money to be made in property buying at this expensive level.. and due to the high probablity of a housing crash why would you risk it?

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