HC Poll - Do you believe it is right to allow people to discriminate on the basis of vaccination status?, page-114

  1. 36,230 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    " The equivalent of a vaccine mandate in smoking is to physically force all smokers to stop smoking, anywhere, by injecting them with a substance that causes (enter very nasty outcome) if they take it and try to smoke, even in their own home. In this fabricated comparison, a person can't even walk into a restaurant with a rectangular bulge in their pocket, because there's some slim chance they could be cigarettes, and the perp may be intending to light up inside. "

    Errr.......bad analogy.

    Smokers are still allowed to smoke. Even though there is heaps of evidence to show that smoking is bad for you, people are still allowed to smoke. We are just protecting the rest of the community from the effects of that smoke . Smokers can still buy smokes. They can smoke at home. They can smoke as many cigarettes as they like. While rules are trying to gently influence them to stop smoking via ads and price rises, the damage from their smoking habit is limited to the individual smoker.

    Totally different to vaccination.

    I'm the first to agree that corporate and government behaviour around this is far far from perfect. Just as it is in every other corporate and government activity. Greed, corruption, market manipulation, politics etc. It goes on every day in life.

    However, unlike normal where life goes on despite the government and corporate shortfalls, pandemics are different. Different rules need to apply for the greater good.

    As to the supermarket example ? Because of control.

    We brought in controls really early. Obviously we couldn't stop people buying food so we brought in strict controls around it. Masks, segregation, hygiene etc. Maybe it will be proved that by the nature of supermarkets and Bunning's layout , the likelyhood of transmission in those environments is really low. Particularly when there is no cash involved.

    We also brought in controls around schools. Based on previous knowledge, we expected schools to be a major hive of transfer via kids. Turns out it is nowhere near as bad as anyone thought.

    There is/was a lot to be learned during this pandemic. No one is saying we got it completely right.

    " If the unvaccinated are such a threat to the jabbed, why has there - in the only place where they are still allowed to freely mingle* - been absolutely no community transmission? None. Where is the danger? "

    We are still having multiple deaths on a daily basis. Some of those people have been vaccinated. I can only assume that those people were in the very vulnerable category and so they are much more sensitive than the normal, able bodied, vaccinated person.

    Until we fully understand and control this thing, we need to protect those people.

    The anti vaxxers like to use the argument that many people die every year from the flu. Or did, previously anyway. I don't know about you but I''d like to live in society where we try and preserve life as best we can . Just using the " they would have died anyway " argument doesn't cut it with me .

    If I can have an extra few years of quality life when I'm older because I didn't catch the flu, or something else, then I'll be pretty happy about that.
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