Time to stop this illegal experiment ., page-235

  1. 35,973 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 208
    "I had Astrazeneca, it was called a vaccine, I will have Pfizer or Moderna as a booster, they are called vaccines, everyone I know called them vaccines, the gov call them vaccines that is as close as I need to get , I have been double vaccinated."

    So you have been told a lie by people that lie ................... that will never make those inoculations into vaccines.

    You've been Double Inoculated with a Gene Therapy............... and it has a whole bunch of other junk in it that you wouldn't want in your body in a fit.

    You have been deceived by a Corrupt Government and its Corrupt Departments.


    You might have been lucky and had Placebos in both instances.

    I suggest you do some homework before you go back to those Genocidists for another round of Junk Potions.
    Last edited by Marketinfo: 27/11/21
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