Minister Greg Hunt reportedley quitting politics., page-8

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    Greg Hunt MP Announces That It’s Too Hot In The Kitchen, Set To Resign From Politics

    Greg Hunt MP Announces That It's Too Hot In The Kitchen, Set To Resign From Politics — The Betoota Advocate

    After a stellar final lap in Federal Politics as the Health Minister who oversaw the most bungled jab roll-out into the western world, as well as the disastrous hotel quarantine program that was implemented as a way to avoid building dedicated facilities, it seems that Greg Hunt MP might be looking for a real job next year.

    Senior Liberal Party figures say that the Member For Flinders is expected to announce that he is finding it too hot in the kitchen, and will resign from Federal Politics tomorrow.

    Hunt who was first elected to Parliament in 2001 when the Liberal Party was an ambitious and competent organisation under the helm of John Howard – is believed to using the last parliamentary sitting day of 2021 to announce that he will not to recontest his seat at the next election.

    This comes the day after the release of the Jenkins Report, which found that one in three parliamentary staffers who responded to a review of the toxic culture of Parliament House say they have been sexually harassed – and one in two had experienced workplace bullying.

    With the small-L Liberals expected to take a battering at the next election from a wave of female Independents who believe in climate change and don’t like the idea of young women being sexually assaulted in Cabinet Minister’s offices, it is assumed that internally polling for moderates like Greg Hunt must be absolutely mucking appalling.

    As the MP responsible for an electorate that includes the bougie Mornington Peninsula, in a state that has been completely betrayed by the Federal Government throughout more than 300 days of lockdown, Greg Hunt’s margin of 5.6 per cent could easily evaporate when Australians head to the ballot box in 2022.

    On top of this, Scotty From Marketing’s constant dropped balls on both climate policy, trade negotiations and general professional conduct has seen the PM tagged with the highly embarrassing label as ‘THE LIAR FROM THE SHIRE’ – an embattled Liberal Leader that not even Rupert Murdoch wants to nail his flag to.

    However, as disastrous as this last year has been for Hunt, his retirement marks yet another empty seat in the Liberal Party, spreading the talent even thinner than could have been imagined after the post-Turnbull brain-drain.

    The Health Minister will likely be replaced on the coalition front bench by yet another devout Hillsonger who thinks women and poor people talk too much.
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