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Where is Trayonranger, page-2

  1. 10,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3089
    Very grateful for your concern.

    I've been on a two week holiday courtesy of the NSW public health system as a private paying non Australian pension pensioner. (nope, I didn't stutter, but it's complicated in that I do not get the Australian pension because of the Lion even though I've never sold one share. But that doesn't count when the government assess potential worth. ha ha)

    Been keeping up with the HC chatter - in fact it was mostly HC that got me through some of my sleepless nights.

    Man the time goes slowly when the drugs are not up to scratch.

    Not quite out of the woods, but at least I'm home.
    (not sure if allowed, but did drive myself to the train station for my outpatient appointment - naughty I know)

    My big news is 15:00 next Thursday. Pray it's positive.

    Cheerz - and I lov youse <sic> all. lol

    Last edited by TrayonRanger: 05/12/21
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