slumlords are a symptom of an ailing system, page-11

  1. 19,317 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    "No or you would have mentioned that in your claim of 10% returns.

    10% returns would mean that you are charging triple the going rate by exploiting those who unable to get a lease in their own name."

    I stated 10% returns I did not state whether that was before or after costs. At 10% return I break even after interest and all bills so my property costs me nothing.

    As for getting a lease in their own name well all of my tenants sign a "Rooming House Agreement" which is a lease of the room and they have just as many rights as any other tenants.

    Perhaps you should be giving away all of those capital gains you have made selling your properties to all the disadvantaged, after all you are exploiting all of those that paid more for your properties than you bought them for a few years ago.

    Also I will repeat my second assertion if I as the landlord choose to charge $X amount per week for a room directly how am I exploiting the poor tenants when if I rented the same house to a tenant and they sublet the room for $X per week. The answer is there is no difference - it is just that the self righteous types think the landlord is ripping off the tenant when they are the one renting the room directly.
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