PSA 0.00% 2.1¢ petsec energy limited

onshore louisiana wells., page-7

  1. 329 Posts.
    Good one spawk. The shame about these guys is that they are real good one on one but they seem to get writers cramp when it comes to ASX announcements.

    Shame about Jocam as well as he just has to detune his presence here otherwise he will undermine his publication.

    For those that follow oils closely "Junior Oilers Weekly" is a must have. While most of us do our own research there are always gaps and in my experience our mate fills them well. But don't write Jocam off as a PSA commentator. He covers 70 or so oilers now days and its all good sh*t.

    The other publication you might consider is StockAnalysis by Pete Strachan. This is good but not as focused on oils as Jocam. In some ways they compliment one another as they tend to approach companies in slightly different ways. Personally I prefer Jocams newsletter and I think it is the genuine succesor to Quentins crown. And on value for money Jocam wins hands down. At 3X-4X the price for SA there is no comparison. John wins hands down(or he should put his price up).
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