The Truth About Vaccines, page-12854

  1. 29,185 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    A post full of absolute BS.

    The current explosion of cases in NSW is occurring in venues(clubs and pubs) where only vaccinated people are allowed to go, it is a fact that the vaccine does not limit infection and transmission so how can it possibly end the pandemic.
    It is vaxers like you who are naïve and not understanding what is going on in the real world, or you are being paid to promote this rubbish.

    It is in the vaccinated where the virus mutates in order to get around the limited protection that the vax provides, the vax puts pressure on the virus to mutate, there is no reason for the virus to mutate in the unvaxed, it is the same as under dosing or overusing antibiotics you end up with antibiotic resistant bacteria.
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